Calculating ‘per 90’ with Python and Fantasy Football

When we are comparing data between players, it is very important that we standardise their data to ensure that each player has the same ‘opportunity’ to show their worth. The simplest way for us to do this, is to ensure that all players have the same amount of time within which to play. One popular way of doing this in football is to create ‘per 90’ values. This means that we will change our total amounts of goals, shots, etc. to show how many a player will do every 90 minutes of football that they play. This article will run through creating per 90 figures in Python by applying them to fantasy football points and data.

Follow the examples along below and feel free to use them where you are. Let’s get started by importing our modules and taking a look at our data set.

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv("../Data/Fantasy_Football.csv")
web_name team_code first_name second_name squad_number now_cost dreamteam_count selected_by_percent total_points points_per_game penalties_saved penalties_missed yellow_cards red_cards saves bonus bps ict_index element_type team
0 Ospina 3 David Ospina 13 48 0 0.2 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 1
1 Cech 3 Petr Cech 33 54 0 4.9 84 3.7 0 0 1 0 53 4 419 42.7 1 1
2 Martinez 3 Damian Emiliano Martinez 26 40 0 0.6 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 1
3 Koscielny 3 Laurent Koscielny 6 60 2 1.6 76 4.2 0 0 3 0 0 14 421 62.5 2 1
4 Mertesacker 3 Per Mertesacker 4 48 1 0.5 15 3.0 0 0 0 0 0 2 77 15.7 2 1

5 rows × 26 columns

Our data has a host of data on our players’ fantasy football performance. We have their names, of course, and also their points and contributing factors (goals, clean sheets, etc.). Crucially, we have the players’ minutes played – allowing us to calculate their per 90 figures for the other variables.

Calculating our per 90 numbers is reasonably simple, we just need to find out how many 90 minute periods our player has played, then divide the variable by this value. The function below will show this step-by-step and show Kane’s goals p90 in the Premier League at the time of writing (goals = 20, minutes = 1868):

In [2]:
def p90_Calculator(variable_value, minutes_played):
    ninety_minute_periods = minutes_played/90
    p90_value = variable_value/ninety_minute_periods
    return p90_value

p90_Calculator(20, 1868)

There we go, Kane scores 0.96 goals per 90 in the Premier League! Our code, while explanatory is three lines long, when it can all be in one line. Let’s try again, and check that we get the same value:

In [3]:
def p90_Calculator(value, minutes):
    return value/(minutes/90)

p90_Calculator(20, 1868)

Great job! The code has the same result, in a third of the lines, and I still think it is fairly easy to understand.

Next up, we need to apply this to our dataset. Pandas makes this easy, as we can simply call a new column, and run our command with existing columns as arguments:

In [4]:
data["total_points_p90"] = p90_Calculator(data.total_points,data.minutes)
data.total_points_p90.fillna(0, inplace=True)
web_name team_code first_name second_name squad_number now_cost dreamteam_count selected_by_percent total_points points_per_game penalties_missed yellow_cards red_cards saves bonus bps ict_index element_type team total_points_p90
0 Ospina 3 David Ospina 13 48 0 0.2 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 1 0.000000
1 Cech 3 Petr Cech 33 54 0 4.9 84 3.7 0 1 0 53 4 419 42.7 1 1 3.652174
2 Martinez 3 Damian Emiliano Martinez 26 40 0 0.6 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 1 0.000000
3 Koscielny 3 Laurent Koscielny 6 60 2 1.6 76 4.2 0 3 0 0 14 421 62.5 2 1 4.288401
4 Mertesacker 3 Per Mertesacker 4 48 1 0.5 15 3.0 0 0 0 0 2 77 15.7 2 1 3.846154

5 rows × 27 columns

And there we have a total points per 90 column, which will hopefully offer some more insight than a simple points total. Let’s sort our values and view the top 5 players:

In [5]:
data.sort_values(by='total_points_p90', ascending =False).head()
web_name team_code first_name second_name squad_number now_cost dreamteam_count selected_by_percent total_points points_per_game penalties_missed yellow_cards red_cards saves bonus bps ict_index element_type team total_points_p90
271 Tuanzebe 1 Axel Tuanzebe 38 39 0 1.7 1 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0.0 2 12 90.0
322 Sims 20 Joshua Sims 39 43 0 0.1 1 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0.0 3 14 90.0
394 Janssen 6 Vincent Janssen 9 74 0 0.1 1 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0.0 4 17 90.0
166 Hefele 38 Michael Hefele 44 42 0 0.1 1 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0.4 2 8 90.0
585 Silva 13 Adrien Sebastian Perruchet Silva 14 60 0 0.0 1 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0.3 3 9 22.5

5 rows × 27 columns

Huh, probably not what we expected here… players with 1 point, and some surprisng names too. Upon further examination, these players suffer from their sample size. They’ve played very few minutes, so their numbers get overly inflated… there’s obviously no way a player gets that many points per 90!

Let’s set a minimum time played to our data to eliminate players without a big enough sample:

In [6]:
data.sort_values(by='total_points_p90', ascending =False)[data.minutes>400].head(10)[["web_name","total_points_p90"]]
web_name total_points_p90
233 Salah 9.629408
279 Martial 8.927126
246 Sterling 8.378721
225 Coutinho 8.358882
325 Austin 8.003356
278 Lingard 7.951807
544 Niasse 7.460317
256 Agüero 7.346939
389 Son 7.288503
255 Bernardo Silva 7.119403

That seems a bit more like it! We’ve got some of the highest scoring players here, like Salah and Sterling, but if Austin, Lingard and Bernardo Silva can nail down long-term starting spots, we should certainly keep an eye on adding them in!

Let’s go back over this by creating a new column for goals per 90 and finding the top 10:

In [7]:
data["goals_p90"] = p90_Calculator(data.goals_scored,data.minutes)
data.goals_p90.fillna(0, inplace=True)
data.sort_values(by='goals_p90', ascending =False)[data.minutes>400].head(10)[["web_name","goals_p90"]]
web_name goals_p90
233 Salah 0.968320
393 Kane 0.967222
325 Austin 0.906040
256 Agüero 0.823364
246 Sterling 0.797973
544 Niasse 0.793651
279 Martial 0.728745
258 Jesus 0.714995
278 Lingard 0.632530
160 Rooney 0.630252

Great job! Hopefully you can see that this is a much fairer way to rate our player data – whether for performance, fantasy football or media reporting purposes.


p90 data is a fundamental concept of football analytics. It is one of the first steps of cleaning our data and making it fit for comparisons. This article has shown how we can apply the concept quickly and easily to our data. For next steps, you might want to take a look at visualising this data, or looking at further analysis techniques.