Machine Learning

A new FC Python section, starting with introductory machine learning and statistical modelling tutorials. More to come very soon!

Introduction to Simple Linear Regression: Modelling League Performance Against Squad Investment

Introduction to k-means Clustering: Grouping Shot Creators

Using Random Forests to Predict Ticket Sales

Extra Time

Extra Time is a place for our short tutorials that introduce a new skill for your Python toolbox. The 3-5 minute sessions offer code, examples and a brief explainer for topics that don’t quite fit into our crash courses, aren’t long enough for a blog post, but are important skills for you to be able to call from.

The FC Python team will be adding to this series around our cornerstone tutorials and blog content. If you have any suggestions or need for particular topics – get in touch!

Data Analysis

Pivot Tables

Finding Datasets

Finding and downloading Kaggle datasets in command line


Connecting to SQLite databases and pulling dataframes